Apple Store, Google Play Store
“Play Dino | 공룡 색칠 놀이”
Love dinosaurs? Love coloring? We've put together a collection of the best dinosaur for all children’s favorite dinosaurs.
Kids can really have fun. Let the kids create a painting of their own.
Liebe Dinosaurier? Liebe Färbung? Wir haben eine Sammlung der besten Dinosaurier für alle Kinder Dinosaurier zusammen. Kinder können wirklich Spaß haben. Lassen Sie die Kinder ein Gemälde von ihren eigenen zu schaffen.
Aimer les dinosaures? Colorier l'amour? Nous avons réuni une collection des meilleurs dinosaures pour tous les dinosaures préférés des enfants. Les enfants peuvent vraiment s'amuser. Laissez les enfants créer une peinture de leur propre.
- Download :
Apple App Store : https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/play-dino-painting-dinosaurs/id551941864?l=ko&ls=1&mt=8
Google Play Store : https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.freeon.kidspaintW
“Kid's Painting | 크레파스색칠놀이”
Free painting application released! Explore painting tools which allow similar texture and appearance to real crayons.
Fruits, vehicles, animals, dinosaurs… We offer more than 80 different adorable images. kids will have much more fun painting various images Parents can also enjoy our free painting application with their children.
Application gratuite de peinture libérée! Explorez des outils de peinture qui permettent une texture et une apparence similaires aux vrais crayons. Contém uma Fruits, véhicules, animaux, dinosaures ... Nous proposons plus de 80 images adorables. Les enfants auront beaucoup plus de plaisir à peindre diverses images Les parents peuvent également profiter de notre application de peinture gratuite avec leurs enfants.
Freie Malerei-Anwendung veröffentlicht! Entdecken Sie Malwerkzeuge, die eine ähnliche Beschaffenheit und Aussehen mit echten Buntstiften ermöglichen. (Z. Früchte, Fahrzeuge, Tiere, Dinosaurier ... Wir bieten mehr als 80 verschiedene adorable Bilder. Kinder haben viel mehr Spaß malen verschiedene Bilder Eltern können auch unsere kostenlose Malerei Anwendung mit ihren Kindern.
- Download :
Apple App Store : https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/kidspainting-free/id427520771?l=ko&ls=1&mt=8
Google Play Store : https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.freeon.kidspaintG
“Play Chess | Играть в шахматы | Schach spielen | 모두의체스”
Chess is strategy board game played on a chessboard, a square checkered game board with
64 squares arranged in an eight-by-eight grid. It is one of the world's most popular games, played by millions of people worldwide at home,in clubs,online.
Шахматы настольная стратегия игра на шахматной доске, квадратный клетчатой доске с игры
64 квадратов, расположенных в сетке восемь на восемь. Это одна из самых популярных игр в мире, в которую играют миллионы людей во всем мире дома, в клубах, в Интернете.
Schach ist Strategie Brettspiel auf einem Schachbrett gespielt, eine quadratische karierte Spielbrett mit
64 Quadrate, die in einem Acht-mal-acht-Gitter angeordnet sind. Es ist eines der weltweit beliebtesten Spiele, gespielt von Millionen von Menschen weltweit zu Hause, in Clubs, online.
Catur adalah strategi papan permainan dimainkan pada papan catur, persegi kotak-kotak papan permainan dengan
64 kotak diatur dalam grid delapan kali delapan. Ini adalah salah satu permainan yang paling populer di dunia, dimainkan oleh jutaan orang di seluruh dunia di rumah, di klub, online.
- Download :
Apple App Store : https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/moduuicheseu-sing-geul/id454648761?l=ko&ls=1&mt=8
Google Play Store : https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.freeon.playchessW
“Korea Chess | 모두의장기-혼자하기”
Janggi (including romanizations changgi and jangki), sometimes called Korean chess, is a strategy board game popular in Korea. The game derived from xiangqi (Chinese chess) and is very similar to it, including the starting position of the pieces, and the 9×10 gameboard, but without the xiangqi "river" dividing the board horizontally at the middle.
Janggi is played on a board nine lines wide by ten lines long. The game is sometimes fast-paced due to the jumping cannons and the long-range elephants, but professional games most often last over 150 moves and so are typically slower than those of Western chess.
- Download :
Apple App Store : https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/moduuijang-gihonjahagi/id467573959?l=ko&ls=1&mt=8
Google Play Store : https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.freeon.janggiG
“Korea Chess Online | 모두의장기온라인”
Network Onlie Korean chess, is a strategy board game popular in Korea.
Janggi is played on a board nine lines wide by ten lines long. The game is sometimes fast-paced due to the jumping cannons and the long-range elephants, but professional games most often last over 150 moves and so are typically slower than those of Western chess.
- Download :
Apple App Store : https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/moduuijang-gionlain/id1028963722?l=ko&ls=1&mt=8
Google Play Store : https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.freeon.janggiOnline